june2013After vacation, I saw so many new faces in the class. During the early monsoon in Ahmedabad, with a splash of rain and with the nature, I got a new lease of life after my illness. Really, rain drains me from within. It is this season in which we the artists and dancers, are really energized to do make a creation. My old students also returned from the vacation in both the classes (i.e.Vastrapur  and Ghatlodia). I have just started to teach simultaneously two Abhinayas, the “Sanginire Chanha “ and “Kanhi galeMuraliphunka”, both the songs wrote by Shri Banamali. The students are really enjoying the process and learn it excellently.

Padmashree Niranjan Goswami of Calcutta was in Ahmedabad in March 2013 to conduct mime workshop in which was organized by ICCR. I was invited as a guest lecture to explain about  Bhangi & Rasa used in Odissi Dance (Some of the photographs as under).

Article of the month:

The Role of Indian Classical Dance in Education – Suprava Mishra

Aum Chants June 2013

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