DSC_9519I don’t know how to express my feelings. On 22nd Sept I was awarded Gaurav Puraskar by Gujarat Sangeet NatakAcademy, Govt of Gujarat.   I am heartily thankful to Gujarat Sangeet Natak Academy, Govt of Gujarat. It is the time of remembering my first guru of Odissi Dance Shri Raghunath Dutta. When I was 6 year old I have started learning odissidance under his able guidance. I am also thankful to my father Shri Rabi Narayan Mishra and mother Lakshmi Devi. My siblings are always pillar of strength to me, mu brother Subrat and sister Supriya. My all gurus PadmabibhusanaKelucharan Mohapatra, Padmashree Gangadhar Pradhan, Guru Harihar Mohanty, Guru Sudhakara Sahu, GuruGajendra Panda are always kind to me. After marriage in 1992 I got full support from my husband Dipak Pathak, father- in- law Mulshankar Pathak, mother- in -law Kanchanben Trivedi and son Saubhagya. I also extend my heartfelt thanks to my friends and well wishers.

Last but not least I owe to all my students without them the spread of Odissi Dance was not possible in Gujarat.

Article of the month:

  1. A Tribute to Guru Raghunath Dutta – Guru Suprava Mishra
  2. My first Odissi dance concert – Shivali Rathod
Aum Chants September 2013

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