After a small vacation of Diwali students has started the vigorous preparation for examination for last moment preparation. I don’t know but I enjoyed this process also. This time we are also preparing on a theme ‘Matru Shakti” for the Kankaria Carnival 2013. We have plan to perform three items in the Kankaria Carnival 2013.
- Bande Utkal Janani – A salutation to matrubhumi Odisha
- Durga Tandav – Salutation to Ma Durga
- I am a Woman – A short dance drama showing three characters: Draupadi, Sita and Ahalya.
Articles of the month:
- My Dance Teacher by Adyasha Mishra
- Temple Sculpture of Gujarat and its relation to Indian Classical Dance by Suprava Mishra
Aum Chants November 2013