I feel immense pleasure putting this issue of news letter of the Academy. Two year completed since the newsletter begin. For me it is an achievement .Thank you Falguni for your article in the first news letter and Saswat (mother of my student Shravya) for designing and naming the newsletter .I also extend thanks to all my students and their parents for their support in the success of the academy. I have added one old article but I just want to share this with all of you. Eagerly waiting for the feedback of my friends, well wishers and art lovers.
Thank you.
Suprava Mishra, Founder Director Aum arts Dance Academy.
Activities of 2014:
- Performance by students of Aum Arts Dance Academy on 2nd Jan ,2014 at Thaltej
- Odissi Dance drama new production “Shriradha” by students of Aum Arts Dance Academy on 30th Jan, 2014 at Dwarkatemple.
- Perfomance at Shree Jagannath temple, Adalaj on 22nd Feb 2014 by the Academy on the occasion of Stone Festival.
- The production “Shriradha” by students of Aum Arts Dance Academy on 23rd Feb 2014 at Samutkarsh , Ahmedabad for Classical dance festival by kalayalam.
- Performance by students of Aum Arts Dance Academy on 26th feb 2014 at art and craft festival , Ahmedabad
- Performance by students of Aum Arts Dance Academy on 27th Feb 2014 at Karna mukteswar Temple, Ahmedabad on the occasion of maha Shiva ratri.
- 9th and 10th March 2014 performed at Gramin Festival Zindal, Raigadh.
- 12th March 2014 at Jabalpur on the Internatinal Literary Festival organized by madhyapradesh Sahitya parishad.
- 19th March 2014 Performed Vaishnava Jana and Shriradha at Rajkot for Hindi Samaj.
- 25th May 2014 Vaishnav Jana Odissi Dance drama recorded for Door darshan Ahmedabad.
- 8th June 2014, 3rd Book of Suprava Mishra, “Dwarakara Suryasta” translated from Gujarati publishea at Cuttack ShriramChandra bhawan.
- 28th June 2014 performed at Shri Jagannath temple Adalaj on the occasin of Rathayatra.
- 6th July 2014 odissi dance ballet “ shriradha” performed by Suprava and her students at IIM Ahmedabad
- Student of Academy performed on 15th August 2014 at BSNL, Ahmedabad.
- Suprava Mishra received “Indira Gandhi Rajbhasha Award “ from Hon’ble president of India Shri Pranav Mukharjee.on 14thSept 2014
- Students of Academy performed Vaishnav Jana on 1st Oct 2014 at Sandeppani Ashram, Porbander.
- Students of Academy performed on 3rd Oct 2014 at Gandhinagar for Durga Puja celebration.
- Students of Academy performed on 31 st Oct 2014 at Prakash School , Ahmedabad for the foundation day of Vijaya Bank.
- Students of Academy performed on 27th Dec and 29th dec 2014 at Kankaria Karnival, Ahmedabad.
- Suprava Mishra performed Navarasa at ROC < Ahmedabad on 31st Dec 2014.
Article of the month:
WHEN MY DREAM DOESN’T FEEL AS DISTANT by Paulomi Bhattacharya ( repeated form previous news letter)