photo for aum chantsWishing all of You a very warm Happy New Year 2018. During the year 2017, Aum Arts have reached new heights. Students of this Academy achieved so much in this year. As I guru I am very happy and proud of my students. I always think how our rich cultural heritage can flow to the next generation. So, during these years, I tried to do this in different form, by teaching students, writing books, giving lecture demonstration in schools, colleges & Universities, writing articles in magazines. So, when all your efforts started taking shapes, when your students started excelling in these art form, it is really fulfilling.

I also take the opportunity to extend my thanks to all my Family members, friends, well wishers without whom I am not able to achieve this goal.

With the hope all the co-operation in the new year 2018.


Guru Suprava Mishra

Dance Workshop:

Abhinaya Workshop by Guru Sudhakara Sahu from 19th Jun to 21st Jun collaboration with performing Arts college, Ahmedabad.

Paper Presentation:

“Sringara Rasa in Odissi Dance through Sanskrit literature’ paper is presented by Suprava Mishra on 14th October 2017 at International literature festival organized by Baba Saheb Ambedkar University, Ahmedabad.

Dance Performances  2017: 

  1. Recorded Shriradha Dancedrama for DD Girnar on 5th January 2017.
  2. Suprava Mishra performed Solo at Jajwalya Mahotsav, Chhatisgadh on 7th Feb 2017.
  3. Aum Academy performed both Odissi and Sambalpuri on 5th Feb 2017 at Sanchar Milan. Ahmedabad for BSNL.
  4. Aum Academy performed on 5th April 2017 At Iscon Temple Ahmedabad.
  5. Suprava Mishra performed Odissi with Aiswarya Warrier, Mohiniattam and Mani Bharatnatyam at Nrutyadoya Festival Vadodara on 22nd April 2017.
  6. Queen’s step well, A celebration of womanhood through water, production premier at Visswacosh , Ahmedabad on 29th April 2017, world dance Day.
  7. Aum academy performed at Shivanand Ashram on 30th April 2017.
  8. Students performed Chaturang at GMDC on 24th May 2017
  9. Manch Pravesh of Shraddha Gupta on 11th June 2017 at Shri Jagannath Temple Adalaj
  10. Suprava and students Performed on Rathayatra bahuda Festival on 2.7.2017.
  11. Ranki Vav production performed at Rajkot Pramukh Swami Auditorium on 14th September 2017.
  12. Junior students of the Academy performed at Ahmedabad Durga Mandap organized by Bengal Association on 25th September 2017.
  13. Students of the Academy Kum Shraddha Gupta and Kum Kathamrita Roy secured first and second prize in Odissi Dance and felicited by The Chief Minister of Gujarat Shri Vijay Bhai Rupani on 10th October 2017.
  14. On 12th October Suprava Mishra and Archita Pradhan performed at Kal ke Kalakar Samaroh 2017, Rajkot
  15. Students of Academy performed on 16th Nov 2017 at BSNL Athletic Meet,Ahmedabad.

Article of the month: MARGAM; path of development

Aum Chants January 2018
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