group1A great announcement – My name is announced for Gujarat Gaurav Puraskar for the year 2012-13 by the Govt. of Gujarat. Thanks to God, my parents, in laws, husband, my son Saubhagya, all my students, friends and well-wishers.

Once again this month was full of programs and of course rehearsals.

  1. On 11th August, 2013 students of the academy are invited to perform at Gujarat Convocation center, Ahmedabad.
  2. On 18th August, 2013 our group was invited by Aryakanya Gurukul Porbanderand has performed‘Manglacharan’,‘Navras’ & ‘Vaishnav Jan to tene re kahiye’ on the occasion of the anniversary of late Guru Savita Didi (a great Manipuridance Guru). Total program was 75 minutes and around 1000 people were present in the hall. The program was well appreciated by the audience.
  3. On 25th August, 2013 our group was invited by Jagannath Cultural and Research Centre (JCARC) for Odissiperformance at newly constructed Jagannath Temple at site of JCARC complex between Ahmedabad and Gandhinagar.Our group of eight students (enthusiastic students from almost every corner of the country i.e., Rajasthan, MadhyaPradesh, Punjab and of course from Odisha and Gujarat) performed “Bande Utkal Janani” choreographed in Odissi.

I really enjoyed everything with their energy level. So, thanks to all my students.

Articles of the month:

  1. When dance & painting take wedding vows – Kokila Bhattacharya
  2. Making of Yuga Dharma – Guru Suprava Mishra
Aum Chants August 2013

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