Dear all I am writing this news letter after so many days. I am remembering Dr. Sunil Kothari who passed away in 27th Dec 2020. My Pranam to the great Soul. He is the one who always respond to my News letter. Sunil Bhai I will miss your response  this time.  As you all know we all had a very bad time during this covid -19 Pandemic. We lost so many great artists due to this. I am giving my Shradhanjali to all of them who took their journey heavenly abode.  

We all artists always in the process of new things.. So we learn to do our classes, seminars, Performances online. I have completed my PHD in Dance . My Guide is Dr Nikhil Bhatt. Topic is “The temple architecture of Gujarat and it’s experiment in Indian classical dance”I must take this opportunity to extend my thanks to Niklhil ji. I also extend my thanks to the renowned  Senior kuchipudi Dance Guru Smt Smita Shastri and Mohiniyattam Exponent Dr. Ayswariya Warrier for supporting me to do the two sessions of Trividha. I also thanks to my artist friends who have invited me for some talks and interviews during this period.  I also take the opportunity to extend my thanks to all my students and parents for their support. I also thanks to my Family members, friends, well wishers without whom I am not able to achieve this goal.With the hope all the co-operation in the new year 2021.


Guru Dr. Suprava Mishra

(A) Paper Presentation:

1. “Odissi Nrutya me Saundarya Chetana” paper is presented by

   Suprava Mishra on 27th September at !0th  National  Dance Webinar      

    organized by Dr. M K Behera Foundation, Bhubaneswar.

2.  “Odissi Nrutya me Kishor Chandranand Champu ke Prayog “ paper is presented by    Suprava Mishra on 31st January at !6th  National  Dance Webinar  organized by Dr. M K Behera Foundation, hubaneswar.

(B) Performances In 2020:

  1. Aum Arts Dance Academy performed on 22nd February 2020 at Khajuraho Festival in the world famous Khjuraho Temple, Madhya Pradesh.
  2. On 16th February 2020 Aum Arts Dance Academy done the recording of “ Ranki Vav” dance drama for Doordarshan Ahmedabd.
  3. Suprava Mishra  performed a part Of Shriradha At Yoga Vedic Village  for the International Women’s Day Celebration on 8th March 2020.
  4. From 26th May to 2nd Jun 2020 , 7 days odissi workshop have been conducted for the students of Gandhidham and a facebook live presentation is also done on 2nd Jun 2020.
  5. Junior students of Academy performed on 14th June in Facebook Live for the Raja Celebration.
  6.  I had an Interactive talk on 2nd July 2020 in Shri Chaitanya Manmohan Festival Organised by Purbai Sanskrtik Anusthan, Calcutta.
  7. Students of Academy performed on Facebook Live 12th August for the Janmastami Celebration.
  8. Odissi Sandhya is organized on 5th September2020 and senior students performed Champu and Chhanda which is chaired by Dr. S. K. Nanda.
  9. Trividha Part 1 is organized on 20th September 2020 where we discuss about Kuchipudi by Renowned senior kuchipudi exponent Smt Smita Shastri and Mohiniattam by Dr. Ayswariya Warrier and Odissi by myself.
  10. Trividha Part 2 is Organized on 17th October 2020 on the first day of Nabaratri where along with the  experts the students and the Guru also performed .
  11. On 24th October 2020 Nabaratri Mahotshav Is conducted by Aum Arts Dance Academy where the Chief Guest Balwantbhai Jani, Chanceller Sagar University Addressed the Students. Students performed both Garba and Odissi Dance.
  12. On 27th December Suprava Mishra interact with the Students of Lovely Proffesional University and also gave a performance for them.
  13. Students of Academy Sucharita and Priyanka performed on 13th Feb 2021 for ICCR Gujarat.
  14. Give service as a Judge for the Online Odissi Dance Competetion during these period.

( C) Article of the month:

The Woman Character of RamayanAndMahabharat like Ahalya, Sita and Draupadi with reference to present Context.

By Dr. Suprava Mishra

Aum Chants February 2021
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